Case submitted by
Dr. David Clark
/Chiropractic Neurologist
Northlake Chiropractic & Wellness Center
10233 E. NW Hwy #508
Dallas , TX 75238
Sterling H. This 19 month old boy has never slept through the night since he was born. He awakens 12 to 13 times per night, every night, screaming. He is very small for his age. He has horrible digestive problems and cannot tolerate cow’s milk or soy milk. He has been able to tolerate goats milk. Since he was born he has had at least 10 rounds of antibiotics. He has seen gastroenterologists, internal medicine specialists and pediatric specialists. Thus far he has been diagnosed as failing to thrive.
Sterling likes to make linear patterns with objects, likes to organize things. His parents report that he is fascinated by trains, and especially enthralled by moving wheels. He likes flickering Christmas lights and will stare at them and other similar visual stimuli for as long as he is allowed. He does not like loud sounds. Examination shows non tender abdomen. Optokinetic nystagmus is not able to be elicited. During the examination spends a considerable amount of time one the floor with toy trains and toy bugs. He does have some language capabilities and can say mama, dada, bug, train. He does interact during the examination and appears to be able to respond to directions and questions. Cranial nerve examination reveals a right pupil that is larger at rest than the left. The right pupil reacts very quickly to light stimulation directed at the left nasal retina and also fatigues quickly. Muscle tone examination does not reveal any spasticity nor rigidity in the upper and lower extremities. Instead, his muscle tone is slightly hypotonic and floppy. He is slightly pigeon-toed. Subluxations are noted on the left side of C5/C6 articulations showing decreased lateral bending and tenderness on palpation.
Segmental: subluxations at left C5/C6. Suprasegmental: decreased right hemisphere function producing c oncomitant REM sleep abnormalities and poor digestive tract function as a result of diaschisis with the PMRF centers.
Treatment plan:
Melatonin 1mg nightly, I capsule of Therbiotic from Klaire laboratories; improve right neocortical brain function through passive stimulation, initially, of right temporal lobe and right occipital lobe with specific low-frequency environmental sounds provided by the BrainBalance Music CD With Wolves and Whales for 10 minutes twice per day as well as left superior hemifield visual stimulation with red light for 5 minutes twice per day.
Outcomes: the afternoon of beginning treatment Sterling slept for 4 hours straight. That night, he slept from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am. The next night he slept from 11:00 pm to 8:00 am awaking twice for approximately 10 seconds each time. Two weeks later, we have discontinued the melatonin only and he is continuing to sleep through the night. Needless to say the parents are thrilled with his progress thus far.